Join Our Cause
Your donation will allow us to get this film to as much of the youth as possible! We believe stories like these are essential for underserved communities with traditionally less opportunities. Why? Because it's easy to believe you don't matter and your voice doesn't matter just because of where you grew up, or how well you do in school. However, when it comes to a voice of change, WE ALL HAVE AN EQUAL VOICE and the power of many voices will always ring louder than the power of a few stakeholders.
We live in a country where voting determines leaders, leaders determine proposed ideas that require weigh in from the community, those ideas then fail or lead to laws that govern our lives. There are so many steps and so many strategies involved to play this intricate game of life, but we are ALL players and we ALL have the opportunity to participate.
We cannot rely on parents to teach every valuable lesson and consistently inspire every child, we must provide these opportunities to the schools themselves to guarantee that every child knows that their lives and their futures matter. Our schools currently lack in the fundamentals of civics education in the one country where the people actually make the decisions. We want to use this film as an educational tool in schools everywhere to inspire kids to find their voice, use their voice, and fight for the future they deserve.
This film is a framework for change and has to potential to be used in a variety of ways to bring about justice and equality in our communities.
The time is now.